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Logo ITAM  

Host Institution

The headquarters and the institution responsible for the operation and administration of CEPI is the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City, where the administrative offices of the Center are located. Founded in 1946, ITAM is a private, secular Mexican institution of higher education. ITAMĀ“s mission is to contribute to the formation of individuals, and to the development of a more free, just, and prosperous society.

There are two ITAM campuses in Mexico City: The campus of Rio Hondo offers undergraduate programs, while the Santa Teresa campus provides the postgraduate and diploma programs offered by the university. Fourteen academic departments reside in ITAM: Actuarial Sciences, Administration, Political Science, Computer Science, Public Accounting, Law, Economics, Statistics, General Studies, International Studies, Industrial Engineering, and Mathematics and Digital Systems. In addition, ITAM is the base for Foreign Affairs en Español, a quartery publication dedicted to debate and reflection on international political issues related to Iberoamérica. While half of the magazine is made up of articles specifically on important themes for the region, while the other half consists of translations into Spanish of articles in English in Foreign Affairs.

Centro de Estudios y Programas Interamericanos (CEPI), Departamento de Estudios Internacionales, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
Río Hondo 1 Colonia Progreso Tizapán Delegación Alvaro Obregón México D.F. 01080 Tel.: +52 (55) 5628 4000 ext. 3926 Fax: +52 (55) 5628 4092